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October 23, 2014

It's time for A Time for Loving! (and a GIVEAWAY!)

*slides into the room with white gym socks on*

Hellooooooooo, lovely folks! I finally have ten minutes to myself today to share some news.

A Time for Loving is LIVE and ready for YOUR lovin'! Your good, ol' fashioned, historical lovin'. Your cravat-tyin', pantaloons-wearin', waltz-dancin' lovin'. *winks*

You can get your begloved and bejeweled paws on a copy of A Time for Loving at your favorite ebook retailer. Some of 'em are listed below. Yes, we like to spread the lovin'.

Find the story here: Amazon | Smashwords | Barnes & Noble | All Romance eBooks

In A Time for Loving, Jack and Christopher must navigate the rigid rules of Society and family expectations, knowing that the danger of discovery lies in many corners. After their unexpected love survived and, in fact, flourished in the climate of the war, now they must face more genteel hardships.

There's a poem that inspired me in writing this short story. It's a beautiful poem that, to me, speaks of love for nature and finding the unexpected. The poem embraces nature's freshness, its boldness, the unabashed glory of it. Nature, in turn, is a metaphor for love. It's a William Wordsworth poem called I wandered lonely as a cloud and, unofficially, Daffodils. If you have a chance to read Jack and Christopher's story, then I encourage you to read Daffodils afterward. In truth, the poem was so inspiring that I debated adding it to the book itself in an Afterword. =)

So that's my little tidbit of behind the scenes info on A Time for Loving! There'll be more tidbits on the story when I visit a couple of other blogs over the next two weeks. I'm super psyched for everyone to meet Jack and Christopher and find their own time for loving.

I also want to give a copy of the story away! Actually, I want to give THREE copies away! Or more. Actually, more. Yes, definitely more.

Here's how to enter!

Leave a comment on this post with the following info:
(1) let me know your favorite historical fashion (flapper dresses? togas? powdered wigs? It could be any period of time, not just Regency.) and
(2) include a means of contacting you such as your email, Twitter name, or Facebook profile, etc.

That's it! You'll be entered to win an ebook copy of A Time for Loving and a "love" ring via snail mail. Yes, I will send a token of wearable love and affection to your beautiful self. This contest is open worldwide where permitted by law!

Leave your comment by 10PM (Pacific time) on Wednesday, October 29th, and I'll draw a winner by an internet names-in-a-hat method shortly thereafter.

This will be a quick giveaway so that anyone who doesn't win can also enter the rafflecopter that will be running through November 6th. Yes, there's a rafflecopter giveaway! And the prizes are three sets of the ebook + "love" ring combos! Actually, you can enter that, too, if you want to be doubly sure you've got all your bases covered. Trust me, I won't judge. I will, however, limit wins to one win per person, regardless of method. That just seems fair, right?

Anyway, leave a comment to win! And here's the rafflecopter giveaway if you want to enter there, too. ♥

Thanks for checking out the story, and happy reading!


  1. Regency ball gowns for me - the alluring "prim and proper" look but enticing enough to get the right person to notice!

  2. Regency Period, I have read a ridiculous amount of historical romances from that period. Thanks for the chance to win a book :D

  3. I love to read about the old Scottish highland warriors, so I would have to say that I love the kilts!
    Thanks for the chance to win! aegger.echo(at)yahoo(dot)com

  4. I love those adorable 50s style dresses. Such fun flair and patterns!

  5. Regency! I love the tight bodeses and low neckline.(

  6. Late 20's early 30's flapper style with all those strands of beads!


  7. *Baby Barlow*
    I love Regency's time: corsets drives me crazy!!

  8. Lovely post and giveaway<3
    My favourite historical fashion is the used to show the welfare of the family.
    Than you for this lovely giveaway

  9. Lovely post and giveaway <3 <3
    I adore the Renaissance period so, corsets and how they used to combine their hair (the women).
    Count me in for the giveaway:) This is my Goodreads profile:


  10. Wow! It sounds pretty great this giveaway! I like Vickings' time..long hair(usually in braids) and they used to wear skirts similar to kilts. Count me in, please for the giveaway. Thank you very much.

  11. Love the dresses of the 60s. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. _Tea58_
    Being born in 1958, I'm a huge fan of 60s/70s with their particular shoes, dresses, hair and make-up. Thank you for this great giveaway.

  13. Thanks for entering the giveaway, everyone! I've drawn a winner for my own blog's giveaway and will contact them directly.

    The Rafflecopter Giveaway is still open, though, so please feel free to enter there if you're visiting after 10/29. :) Thanks so much for checking out the story! ♥
