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June 17, 2014

Freebie Alert! Punch-Drunk Love downloads are available!

Hi all! As promised, here's the link to download a copy of my latest free story, Punch-Drunk Love:

Because blurbs are things over which I absolutely agonize when asked to write them, I'll put that off until later and instead let you guys see what the tags are for the story. Yes, yes, I'm lazy. *slaps "lazy" sticker on forehead* Basically, be prepared for serious fluff overload, and...if you've seen the reviews...well, let's just say our boy will be dressed up in a rather UNIque costume. ;)

Tags: sports, athlete, college, geeks/nerds, public activity, kickboxing, humorous, costumes, Vegas, lots of fluff
Word Count: 16,200

Don't forget to check out the plethora of other freebies that are available through the M/M Romance Group's wonderful event this summer. A huge thank you to all of the volunteers who make such an event possible - from the prompt writers to the authors to the editors to the proofreaders to the formatters and beyond! It wouldn't happen without you folks.

Happy reading, and hope you enjoy!

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